Doon Public School

About Us​

Welcome To Our Doon Public School

School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside”. In keeping with this dictum we are an educational institution that is tech savvy, focusing on education based on technology. We are a 21st Century New Generation School that is known to provide contemporary, practical, flexible and ever evolving learning programmes to awaken unique traits in each student so that he/she is able to strive to attain the highest potential in a secure, well supported and all-inclusive learning environment, whilst being rooted to our tradition, culture, heritage and in the process never forgetting our moral and ethical values. We believe in creating a balance and harmony between the traditional and modern approach to education. All this is done at an affordable cost so that parents do not feel the pinch. This is accomplished at a reasonable cost, ensuring that parents don’t experience financial strain.

doon public school


“You can have great teachers, but if you don’t have a good Principal, you won’t have a good school” This quote by E.L. Board truly exemplifies the Principal of the school Mrs. Sunita Anand, a dynamic lady with extra-ordinary qualities. She is an amiable, compassionate personality who balances the strict disciplinary atmosphere with her affectionate attitude and motherly treatment meted out to the students as well as the faculty. Capt. Sanjay Anand, SM an ex-Army Officer, a Gallantry Awardee by the President of India and recipient of many National and International awards is the Dean of the school. She is blessed with the managerial guidance of a seasoned educationist, Mr. Anand Swaroop, who is the founder of not only the Panchkula branch, but also the New Delhi Branch and a Home for destitute girls, in Dehradun and who has with him the wisdom of more than six decades of educational experience, both at the national as well as the international level. Being a strict disciplinarian, the Principal does not allow any infirmity to creep into the functioning of the school and he strictly adheres to running it in an efficient manner.

In compliance to being in a technology rich environment, our teachers are also trained to use the latest technology to be incorporated in their teaching methodology. Professional development is critical during their deployment, in addition to various workshops and training programmes being held throughout the year. Inspite of all this, our faculty is never far away from following the traditional, moral and ethical values that are already imbibed in them and so are easily transferred to the students as well.

The teachers are honoured for providing the best Board Results, for being at beck and call and working beyond the Call of Duty.

The school has Co-ordinators and Block Incharges for the Primary, Middle and Secondary/Sr. Secondary Levels who act as a bridge between the staff, students, parents and management.

Thereafter, we have Head of the Departments for each subject who co-ordinate the smooth functioning of their subjects and resolve any in-house dilemmas for smooth functioning of their departments – hand to hand with the staff and the students.

The faculty teaching the Senior Secondary classes is highly experienced, indigenous, efficient and always on the move to enable students to gear up to tackle the Board exams with a positive outlook and also preparing the students for their other competitive examinations.

The faculty taking the middle classes are also equally efficient and hardworking. They have a strenuous task at hand as they cater to the students in their growing years and adolescence and they do this like fish takes to water.

The faculty that looks after the Kindergarten and Primary levels are mother figures to the students as at this stage they require love, affection and care to nurture and develop their personalities. The kids being at such an impressionable age and the most vulnerable are looked after by well-experienced staff who are surrogate mothers to the tiny-tots who are taking their baby steps out of their homes.

Special Educator and Counsellor

We believe in equal opportunity for all and so we give normal environment to specially abled children also and have Special Educators who takes special care of them and guides and motivates them to improve and better their performances. We also have an in-house counsellor, to help the students to cope up with various levels of stress, peer pressure, exam pressure, adolescence issues or career choices etc. From time to time counseling sessions are conducted for middle, secondary and senior secondary classes to guide them and channelize them to the right path.

Our Vision

Mission and Vision

  • To provide quality education at affordable cost.
  • To be the Best Smart School.
  • To make its students lifelong learners.
  • To create a generation that would be responsible, knowledgeable, caring, empathetic and confident with integrity and serenity, by not fogetting our roots.

Core Values

  • Dedication, Devotion, Commitment
  • Trust, Mutual respect
  • Organizational pride
  • Honesty, Integrity, Serenity
  • Inspiring leadership & Belief in yourself
  • Confidence, Compassion, Cheer

School House System

The school follows a ‘House System’ to encourage students to work together with cooperation & team spirit as well as to promote a healthy competitive spirit. The students from Class-I onward are divided into following four Houses.

Each House has a Captain & a Vice Captain along with House Incharge under whom each House plans & carries out the duties assigned to it. Students are required to wear their House Dress on Mondays & Saturdays. Regular Inter House Competitions in various fields from, both scholastic & non-scholastic are organized.









School Timings

It is a single shift school. Timings for various classes are as follows:




SUMMER (Apr to mid Nov)

Kindergarten Section

9:00 am to 01:00 pm



8:00 am to 01:00 pm

8:00 am to 01:00 pm

III to X

8:00 am to 02:20 pm

8:00 am to 02:20 pm

WINTER(Mid Nov to March)

Kindergarten Section

9:30 am to 01:30 pm



08:30 am to 01:30 pm

08:30 am to 01:30 pm

III to X

08:30 am to 2:40 pm

08:30 am to 2:40 pm


Every Saturday will be off for Kindergarten Section.

Second and Fourth Saturday will be off for Classes I to XII, except on the dates mentioned in the School Planner.

Academic Session

Academic session starts from April and ends in March.


Community Service

Reciprocating or paying back to the community and society in one or the other way has always been an intrinsic ideology of Doonites, right since the inception of the school. Our students, faculty and the staff members never fail to grab any opportunity to volunteer themselves, their resources and time to rub shoulders with society. Our mantra of teaching has always been learning by doing, experiencing, caring for members of global community and demonstrating this by bringing a difference to the lives of others. We always strive to make our students grow up to be purposeful members of society making meaningful contributions towards the upliftment of economically deprived strata of our society. Our students along with the support and guidance of their teachers and the administrative heads, engage themselves in hands-on community services by-
Participating in the charity race,
Organising community blood donation drives,
Tutoring under privileged children after school hours.
Sansitizing these children against childhood diseases,
Conducting informative workshops and seminars for the students, parents from time-to time,
Undertaking cleanliness drives and campaigns by volunteering cleaning of trash at a community event.