Doon Public School

Code of Conduct

School Rules


School plays a vital role in the shaping of a child’s personality but much of the chiselling is done at home. The school cannot fulfil its objectives unless parents co-operate with the school. School Chronicle will establish a valuable liaison between the teachers and parents with regard to the quality & quantity of work being attempted by the students in the school and at home. We insist that parents look into their ward’s School Chronicle and School Website (Homework Page) everyday and ensure that the assigned home task is being carried out by the student regularly. Parents should take note of the remarks made in the Chronicle from time to time by the teachers / school authorities and countersign it.

Parents are advised that any comment made in the School Chronicle by them should be confined to the student’s work and conduct. No purpose will be served by critical reference entered in the Chronicle in respect of teaching method / teacher. Such remarks will only bring the school and parents at variance with each other. However, if a parent has any suggestions to make, the Principal shall be happy to receive them through a written note or an e-mail. Criticism of the teachers or of the school in the presence of the student be scrupulously avoided because it causes the students to lose respect for his / her teachers.

If any parent feels that a student is not making the desired progress, an appointment with the Principal should be sought. Private tuitions are strongly discouraged. No teacher of our school is allowed to tutor any student studying in the school. Parents to please keep checking the website regularly and keep themselves updated with the latest development / activities.

1. Points to be noted by the Parents.

(i) Date of Birth & Name of the Student, Father and Mother once entered in Admission Register will not be altered.

(ii) Students must be picked up timely after school hours. The school cannot be held responsible for the safety of any of the student beyond the school hours.

(iii) Students who come to the school with their parents/domestic helps/ rickshaws shall not be allowed to leave the school premises before the parents or authorised person (deputed by the parents) arrives. If the parent/guardian is delayed, they should report to the School Office via email or submit a written application in person before 12 noon. School will not be held responsible for any mishappening. Only authorised persons will be allowed to pick up the child.

(iv) No student will be allowed to leave the school during working hours. In case of any emergency during school hours, students will only be handed over to the parents/guardians or the escort having the parent ID Card/written note/ authority letter from the parent, bearing the signature identical to the specimen signatures entered in the Chronicle. Social functions, going out of station and sudden programmes will not be treated as emergencies. Telephonic messages should not be sent to school.

v) Parents are requested to ensure that their wards carry their tiffins & other things required in the school with them when they leave for the school in the morning. School does not accept any items sent through servants or friends during working hours due to security reasons.

vi) No liquid food (curry, gravy etc.) to be given in the tiffin.

vii) Parents should check bags of their ward on daily basis. It has been often observed that the bags remain dirty with broken zippers in spite of repeated reminders. Parents are requested to take a serious note of this.

(viii) The consent forms sent for the various activities to the parents are mostly sent blank and unsigned, back to the school by the parents. Parents are requested to fill them clearly to avoid any confusion. In case of blank or unsigned consent form, it will be considered as‘NO’.

(ix) No fresh reminders will be given for any information sent earlier till there is a change.

(x) Any damage done by the student to the building, furniture, library books, lab equipment, school property etc. is liable to be made good/ replaced by the parent.

(xi) In order to develop the all – round personality of every student, the school gives a lot of importance to extra – curricular activities. It is mandatory for all students to participate in the activities at all possible levels. Parents are  requested to cooperate in this regard.

(xii) The students are strictly not allowed to come to school on Scooter/ Motor- Bike / cars without License or Helmets. Only bicycle shall
be allowed to be parked inside the school and the bicycle must be kept locked. Strict action would be taken against defaulters.

(xiii) The school needs minimum of 3 days to process any document. Kindly bear this in mind before applying for any document. In case of Transfer Certificate, one week is required for the processing of Transfer Certificate. Once the Transfer Certificate is issued, the child will be considered a fresh applicant for re- admission, in case of cancellation of Transfer Certificate.

(xiv) Suggestions from parents are always welcome.


(I) Parents are expected to submit leave applications on or before the day of absence on the Leave Application format given, or through an email.

(ii) Leave without an application is treated as ‘ABSENCE’.

(iii) Repeated absence without leave application or unexplained absence for more than a week renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission will have to be sought by paying Re-Admission fee.

(iv) Medical leave will be granted on provision of a medical certificate by a competent & certified authority.

(v) Students suffering from contagious diseases should not be sent to school even if there is an examination. They would be allowed to attend classes
only after submitting a fitness certificate from the competent authority.


  • It is sole responsibility of the parents to timely deposit monthly fee & transport maintenance charges by the stipulated months & dates.
  • School will not send reminders for depositing the school fee.

(i)   Fee is to be paid @ quarterly (april, july, october, and january) or @ Yearly basis, through digitalmode.

(ii)  No cash payment will be accepted by the accounts department in the  school. Detailed fee structure is available on school’s website.

(iii) Fee can be paid online through school website: URL :

(iv) Fee has to be paid on or before the last date i.e the 10th of every fee Collection month to avoid inconvenience. Late fee fine of    Rs. 50/- per day Will be charged if paid after the last date.

(v) Fee can be paid on monthly basis [except first quarter (April to June) & Last quarter (January to March)] Also through digital mode but only after The approval of a written request made by the parents on the condition that Fee shall be paid before 10th of every month, otherwise late fee fine of Rs. 50/- per day will be charged.

(vi) Fee can also be paid through cheque before 7th of every quarter (April, July, October and January). In case of cheque dishonored, Rs. 500/- Along with late fee fine @ Rs. 50/- per day will be charged, if paid after last date of fee payment. And if cheque gets cleared after the last day, then also @ Rs. 50/- per day late fee fine will be charged. This facility (payment through cheque) cannot be availed if fee is to be paid on monthly basis.

(vii) If fee is not paid till the end of any fee collection month, it will result in Automatic removal of the student’s name from the school’s software & School’s rolls and can be resumed through a written application from the Parents within the next ten days only after paying the re-admission fee of Rs. 5000/-.

(viii) If there is any outstanding school fee at the close of the year I.E. 31st March, progress report will be held by the school.

  • Please do not approach the Principal regarding omission of fine / default penalty.
  • For Fee queries or clarification, kindly visit the School Accounts Office in person.
  • The School Management reserves the right to review the fee structure
    and Transport Maintenance charges. 


(i) Parents will have to fill up the Transport Form, available in the school, if they wish to avail School Transport Facility for their ward.

(ii) Transport Maintenance Charges will have to be borne by the parents as per their location. These charges will be applicable for 11 months (No Charges for June month). Please note that the charges will have to be paid for Winter Break or any kind of extended break by the Government.

(iii) Parents will have to drop and pick their wards, to and from the designated bus stop, decided by the school.

(iv) Shouting & Moving around in the bus is strictly prohibited. Damage to school bus strictly dealtwith.

(v) The students availing transport facility have to abide by the rules, failure to do so will result in withdrawal of the transport facility.

(vi) At the time of departure, the students should wait patiently and in orderly manner for the buses and board their respective buses as soon as they arrive. Students are expected to maintain discipline in the bus.

(vii) Transport Maintenance Charges will be charged as per the location and the charges need to be paid Quarterly (April, July, September and January) through Digital Mode in the Bank.

(viii) The Details of the Transport Maintenance Charges are available on School’s Website.

(ix)The Transport Maintenance Charges to be paid on or before the last date i.e the 10th of every fee collection month to avoid inconvenience. Late fee fine of Rs.50/- perday will be charged if paid after the last date.

(x) Transport once provided, cannot be discontinued in between the month. In case any student wishes to discontinue the school transport, one month notice in writing should be given, failing which, one would have to pay the Transport Maintenance Charges for the entire month in question.

(xi) If there is any outstanding Transport Maintenance Charges at the close of the year i.e. 31st March, Progress Report will be held by the school. Also Transport facility will not be provided in future.


(i) A concession of Rs. 4000/- on the admission charges of sibling & 8 % Concession in the Composite Monthly Fee of the last month of the session i.e. March can be availed for the youngest child (one child only).

(ii) If the Monthly Fee is paid for the whole Academic Session in the beginning  of the Session i.e in April, Fee will be charged for 11 ½ months only instead of 12 months.

(iii) A Concession of Rs. 8000/– on the admission charges and 8% per month concession on Composite Monthly Fee is being offered to the teachers’ wards (in the first quarter fee). In case of sibling, Rs. 18000/- concession is given to the second child on the admission charges.

(iv) For single girl child, a concession of Rs. 5000/- on the admission charges, can be availed by submitting an affidavit to this regard at the time of admission.


(i) Fee is payable for all 12 months in an academic year and the child leaving the school after commencement of the academic session needs to pay the fee for the month he is applying in.

(ii) One month notice in writing should be given by the parents before withdrawing their ward from school, failing which the parents will have to pay the fee for the entire month, he is applying in.

(iii) All dues of the school must be paid & library books returned before applying for a Transfer Certificate.

(iv)The school reserves the Right to Suspend/Rusticate those students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to others or whose parents/ guardians show little interest in the progress of their ward. Immoral behaviour, using foul language, bunking the school, creating fake accounts on social media by using school’s name, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or wilful damage to the school property will prove to be sufficient reasons for the immediate Suspension/Rustication.

(v) Caution Money will be forfeited in case of any fee defaulter or any other outstanding dues.


Accidents or mishaps can occur anytime. Thus, the school should not be held responsible for such incidents. God forbid, in case of any such
accidents, the child will be given only the ‘First Aid’ available free of cost in the school. If need be, at all times the child will also be taken to the nearest doctor/hospital. However, the expenses for the same would have to be borne by the parents. Though, the school takes all care to prevent such situations, but at times children get hurt. In such possibilities, the parents are requested to be tolerant and not make it an issue with the school authorities. All school children are insured for accidents. All medical bills in case of an accident will be forwarded to the Insurance Company for reimbursement.


The school takes the following measures towards disaster / crisis management:

(i) A safe and effective evacuation plan is displayed and drills practiced for emergency conditions.

(ii) Fire extinguishers and fire safety equipments have been installed on all floors.

(iii) The whole campus is under CCTV Surveillance including strategic points like outside washrooms, entry and exit doors/gates beside classrooms & Labs etc.

(iv)All washrooms are monitored by the staff on duty.

(v)All visitors are issued passes / tokens to mark and authorize their entry and exit.

(vi) No child may leave without the gate pass during school hours and may leave only after identification of the accompanying adult.

(vii) Buses are equipped with speed governors, GPS, CCTV Cameras and female attendants.

(viii)Teachers are on duty during recess, to insure the safety of the students.

(ix) A committee for POCSO and Crisis Management is also present in the School.


Restorative Justice fosters dialogue between the victim and the offender and has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability. The process of restorative justice is:

* There will be an open dialogue with children who have grievances against the offender. The children will be allowed to speak one by one about their issues with the offender in the presence of the Class Teacher.

* Then, the offender will be allowed to defend himself / herself, presenting his / her version and apologise for his / her actions. All this is done to take away the edginess that the children feel around the offender and letting them know that he/ she is going to change. There shall be a hand shake between the victim and the offender after the session so as to seal the bond of understanding, forgiveness and friendship.


Depending upon the gravity of the offence.

(i) Verbal warning.

(ii) Note in student’s Chronicle / Warning letters by the Class Teacher / Principal and the same to be countersigned by the Parents.

(iii) Parent / Teacher / Student meeting with Mentor / Principal. Parents and Students are apprised of consequences.

(iv) Report to the Principal for action. Suspension for a day / days (depending upon the gravity of the incident).

(v) Rustication.


The School website “” ensures that the parents have an easy access to their ward’s schooling. Daily Homework, Circulars, Monthly Planners, Activities, Syllabus, Newsletters etc. can be checked through the website. Parents can communicate with the teachers by sending the feedback through the website as well.

USER ID: Admission No. of the Student
PASSWORD: DOB of the Student (DD-MM-YYYY)

The school ensures a well-equipped Hybrid Teaching Learning Mode incase of any kind of Natural Calamity or switching over of the teaching mode, if need be there, as per the government instructions.


(i) The school follows Evaluation System as per the New Education Policy-2020.

(ii) More than 75% attendance is compulsory to make the student eligible for the Term Examination.

(iii) There will be two terms examination besides periodic tests and informal assessments.

(iv) Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s continuous Academic & Conduct Evaluation.

(v) A student who uses unfair means during written assessment, tempers with marks or answer sheets shall not be passing that subject.

(vi) If any correction is to be made in the Progress Report Card, it is to be brought to the notice of the school authorities within three days of the receiving of the Progress Report Card.

(vii) No leave is permissible during the Unit/Periodic-Term Examination except in case of illness. Date-sheet and its details must be followed. The cases of illness are settled on the basis of the class performance in consultation with the teachers based on his/her previous records. Medical certificate will
have to be submitted, grades will not be given, if failing to do so.

(viii) No Promotion to the next class will be allowed on medical grounds from class V onwards

There is no formal examination from Kindergarten to Class-II. The progress of the child will be assessed continuously with the help of variety of assessment throughout the session.

1.12. CLUBS

Students are expected to choose any one of the clubs being offered which helps to develop sense of unity and teamwork and to learn how to work with others in reaching the same goal.

(i) Eco Club [Green Olives] (VI-VII): The vision of Doon Eco Club (DEC) is to empower the young minds with the ethos of our green
surroundings and motivate them to keep them clean and green for themselves in the present and also for the generations to come.

(ii) Heritage Club [Harmony] (VI-VII): Doon Heritage Club (DHC) aims at harmony and envisions to develop respect and reverence among students towards the diversity of cultures. It also fosters patience, tolerance and mutual understanding amongst the juveniles so as to nurture a peaceful coexistence amongst them.

(iii) Health and Wellness Club [Euphoria] (VI-X): Doon Health & Wellness Club (DHWC) works exactly on the lines of its motto i.e 24 ‘Euphoria’ which implies extreme happiness and bliss. It aims at instilling aspects of Physical & Mental health and overall well being which is indeed possible with happiness.

(iv) Legal Literacy Club (IX-X): The vision behind setting up Doon Legal Literacy Club (DLLC) is to strengthen the young ambassadors to
effectively advocate for human rights and to spread legal awareness and literacy not only among themselves but to the underprivileged poor and needy as well.

(v) The Literary Club [Pulitzer](VI-X): Doon Literary Club (DLC) aims at developing the analytical & creative thinking skills of the students. The club functionaries strive to inculcate within its members, the oratory, interpersonal & communication skills, that are much needed in today’s times.

(vi) Yuva Tourism Club (IX&XI): The vision of Doon Yuva Tourism Club (DYTC) is to sensitize the young ambassadors regarding elements of travel and instill responsible and sustainable tourism practices in them by igniting a passion of tourism in them.



(I) There is a Discipline Committee comprising senior students with a teacher in-charge to check the punctuality, uniform and general behaviour of the students.

(ii) Each student must take pride in his/her uniform.

(iii) Coming late to school in the morning is against the norms.

(iv) Students are expected to come to school in a clean, properly-ironed and well-creased school uniform.

(v) Uniform trousers of the boys need to be of straight cut. No tight fitting/low-waist paints are permissible. Girls’ uniform skirts should be knee length, neither too short nor too long.

(vi) Shirts must remain tucked in at all times for both boys and girls of all classes.

(vii) It is mandatory for the students to wear all the prescribed uniform related accessories viz: neck-tie, belt, Id-card, ribbons/hairband (for girls) etc. daily in the school at all times. Neck-Tie and Clean Blazer need to be worn properly with all buttons closed.

(viii) School shoes need to be well-polished. Students are not permitted to wear any fancy sports shoes with the uniform. Only prescribed shoes are allowed.

(ix) Entry into school without uniform is not allowed.

(x) Hair must be neatly groomed. No fashion hair colours or non-conforming hairstyles for boys or girls are acceptable.

(xi) Boys are expected to keep a very short standard haircut and girls, a neat hairstyle with fringes pinned down properly. Girls are expected to make their hair in two plaits (Classes Ito X) & Single plaits (Classes XI & XII) using the prescribed colour satin ribbons for long hair and prescribed colour hair-band for short hair. Boys are not allowed to wear studs / bangles/ kadas / bangles, rings etc.

(xii) Fancy ornaments such as kadas, bangles, rings, watches, wristbands, bracelets etc, are strictly prohibited in the school, except small gold or silver studs/earrings for the girls only. School will not be responsible for the loss of any valuable ornaments.

(xiii) Nails must be clean and well-trimmed always, of both boys and girls. Keeping long nails by girls is strictly prohibited.

(xiv) Applying makeup, nail polish and henna on the palms or hair are strictly prohibited. Hair colour are strictly not allowed.

(xv) Mobile Phones/Mp3 Players/Smart Watches are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated immediately.

(xvi) Bullying, aggression or violence in any form is considered gross misconduct for which the school will take strict disciplinary action.

(xvii) Students are supposed to use school-appropriate language and behaviour at all the times while maintaining friendly and courteous behaviour.

(xix) Use of abusive language or misbehaviour will lead to disciplinary action.

(xx) Non-compliance of the above instructions is not be taken lightly. Strict disciplinary action is taken against the defaulters.


(i) Cyber-Bullying / misuse of social media is strictly prohibited, and participating in such acts will result in disciplinary action.

(ii) Any student misusing the technology, harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student/staff member/school by the means of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory messages, digital pictures or images, or Website postings (including blogs), shall be dealtwith very stringently.

(iii) Students are not to indulge in inappropriate use of the school computers or networks.

(iv) Students are strictly prohibited to create any personal ids in the name of the school or by using any of the school images.

(v) Students are not allowed to put any derogatory or defamatory remarks or messages on the social networking sites or pages of the school or on their personal pages / channels.

(vi) Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities if any of the student is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on the social media.

(vii) Anyone who attempts to use bullying, intimidation, or stalking to retaliate against someone who reports an incident, brings a complaint, or participates in an investigation will be in violation of the School’s Code of Conduct and shall be subject to disciplinary action.



(I) Do carry School Chronicle to the school every day & note down the work assigned.

(ii) Do your work neatly and it should always be dated. Each new work should be done on a fresh page.

(iii) Do revise all that has been taught in class each day, whether it has been given to be revised or not.

(iv) Do make a daily time table for yourself, for you studies for your rest and recreation etc.

(v) Do make the habit of ‘Early to Bed & Early to Rise’for early hours are the best to learn.

(vi) Do revise at the end of the week all that was learnt during the week.

(vii) Do thank the Almighty always after you finish your studies.

(viii) Do carry Text Books/Notebooks according to the given Time Table or as per the teacher’s instructions.


(i) Do not omit the lesson or homework assigned. If you do, it is like missing a train you can never catch afterwards.

(ii) Do not come late to school otherwise you will get a ‘ LATE COMER’ remark in the Chronicle. You will also be fined. Serious note will be taken in case of habitual lack of punctuality.

(iii) Do not bring tobacco, liquor, crackers, explosives, any kind of weapon or any other kind of dangerous materials to the school.

(iv) Do not borrow or lend money or articles to others.

(v) Do not exchange expensive gifts on birthdays with other students.

(vi) Do not damage/break School property.

Dos & Don’ts in the Washrooms

(i)Wash your hands with soap.

(ii)Turn off the taps when not in use. Always use water economically.

(iii) Do leave the toilet clean as a courtesy to the next students & dispose off litter in the bins provided.

(iv) Do not scribble on doors, walls etc. in the toilets or any where in the school premises.

Dos & Don’ts in the Library

(i) The Library is a SILENT ZONE. All activities in the Library will be conducted in a quiet manner to avoid disturbance.

(ii) Do not take food & drinks inside the Library.

(iii) Do not move the furniture unnecessary. Keep the chairs in the Library in its proper place after using them.


1. Before school starts, help your child to use the restroom independently, including washing hands. An extra set of clothes along with undergarments may be sent along with the child every day to school.

2. Complete set of books, notebooks, and stationery items must be deposited within two days of joining. Books and notebooks should be properly covered and labeled. From time to time pasting and binding must be undertaken.

3. Books, notebooks, water bottles, bags, tiffin, or any other belongings sent to school must be properly labeled. The school will not be responsible for any unlabeled lost articles.

4. Parents are requested to drop off and pick up their ward from gate no. 2 every day as per the school timings of Kindergarten section.

5. Any early/delay in picking up the child after the school timings should be informed to the school authorities either in advance or by 11:00 am. Do not send any unknown person to pick up your child. The school will not hand over the child to an unknown person, who does not possess proper authority letter from the parents.

6. You are requested to carefully go through all notices sent out by the school via the School Chronicle, text message, or an update on the website and respond where appropriate. You are requested to respect the deadlines for the smooth functioning of the school. Reminders will not be given for any information sent already unless there is a change in it.

7. The timetable/class schedule will be shared with the parents which needs to be adhered to. The monthly syllabus will be available on the School Website, in the beginning of the session.

8. The web links and textual content of kindergarten songs, rhymes and sentences for communicative skills will be shared for practice and recitation.

9. Parents should not make their children do extra work in the school notebooks.

10. We actively and strongly encourage participation in various co-curricular activities for the continued growth and development of the child. Each week, the class teacher will pick a student as ‘Star of the Week’ based on parameters like academics, punctuality, discipline, participation in school & co-curricular activities, empathy (being helpful), leadership (taking responsibility & initiative), social skills (friendly nature & mannerisms) and lots more.

11.The primary and preferred mode of communication should be the School Chronicle. Parents may call the school reception at +91- 9592412833 to contact the concerned class teacher only between 01:30 PM. to 02:30 PM in Summers & 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM in Winters.

12. Parents must visit and meet the class teacher on the PTMs to know about their child’s progress.

There will be no formal examination for kindergarten students. The progress of children will be assessed continuously with the help of variety of assessments throughout the session.

School is a formal place. Please ensure that you are suitably dressed when visiting the school premises. Coming to the school in night suit wearing slippers must be avoided. Please keep your mobile phones on silent mode once you enter the school building.

  • Date of Birth & Name once entered in the Admission register will not be altered.
  • Students must be picked up timely after school hours. The school cannot be held responsible for the safety of any of the student beyond the school hours.
  • Students who come to the school with their parents/domestic helps/ rickshaws shall not be allowed to leave the school premises before the authorised person arrives. If the parent/guardian is delayed, they should report to the School Office. School will not be held responsible for any mishappening . Only authorised persons will be allowed to pick up the child.
  • No student will be allowed to leave school during working hours (except for medical reasons) and only members of the family carrying Parents ID Card are allowed to pick up their ward. No friends or cousins may be asked to do so.
  • Students will only be handed over to the parents/guardians. However, in case of any emergency during school hours, the escort should have the parent ID Card/written note/ authority letter from the parent, bearing the signature identical to the specimen signatures entered in this chronicle. Social functions, going out of station and sudden programmes will not be treated as emergencies. Telephonic messages should not be sent to school.
  • Medically ill children should not be sent to school.
  •  Parents are requested to ensure that their wards carry their tiffins & other things required in the school with them when they leave for the school in the morning. School does not accept any items sent through servants or friends during working hours due to security reasons.
  • Parents should check bags of their ward on daily basis. It has been often observed that the bags remain dirty with broken zippers in spite of repeated reminders . parents are requested to take a serious note of this.
  • No liquid food (curry , gravy etc. ) to be given in the tiffin.
  • The consent forms sent for the various activities to the parents are mostly sent blank and unsigned back to the school. Parents are requested to fill the DO/ DO NOT clearly to avoid any confusion.
  • No fresh reminders will be given for any information sent earlier till there is a change.
  • Any damage done by the student to the building, furniture, library books, lab equipment, school property etc. is liable to be made good/ replaced by the parent.
  • In order to develop the all – around personality of every student, the school give s a lot of importance to extra – curricular activities. It is mandatory for all students to participate in the activities at all possible levels. Parents are requested to cooperate in this regards.
  • School is a formal place. Please ensure that you suitably dressed when visited the school premises. Please keep your mobile phones on silent mode.
  • The school needs minimum of 3 days to process any document. Kindly bear this in mind before applying for any documents. One week is required for the processing of Transfer Certificate. Once the Transfer Certificate is issued , the child will considered a fresh applicant for re- admission , in case of cancellation.
  • The Senior students are strictly not allowed to come to school on Scooter/ Motor- Bike / cars without License or Helmets .Only bicycle shall be allowed inside the school and the bicycle must be kept locked. Strict action would be taken against defaulters.
  • Suggestions from parents are always welcome.

Absence / Leave

  • Students are expected to submit leave applications on or before the day of absence only on the Leave Application forms given, or through an email.
  • Leave without an application is treated as ‘ABSENCE’.
  • Repeated absence without leave application or unexplained absence for more than a week renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission will have to be sought.
  • Medical leave will be granted on provision of a medical certificate by a competent authority.
  • Students suffering from contagious diseases should not come to school even if there is an examination. They would be allowed to attend classes only after submitting a fitness certificate from the competent authority.

Assessment /Promotion

  • The school follows the Evaluation System framed by CBSE.
  • 80% attendance is compulsory to make the student eligible for the Final Term Examination.
  • A student who uses unfair means during written assessments, tempers with marks, answer sheets or progress report card, shall not be passing that subject.
  • If any correction is to be made in the progress report card, it is to be brought to the notice of the school authorities within three days of the receipt of the report.
  • No promotion to the next class will be allowed on the medical grounds from class VIII onwards.
  • Annual Progress Report is given in the Annual Progress Report Cards. Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s continuous Academic & Conduct evaluation.
  • No leave is permissible during the Unit/Periodic-Term Examination except in case of illness. Date sheet and its details must be followed. The cases of illness are settled on the basis of the class performance in consultation with the teachers and his/her previous records. Medical certificate will have to be submitted, failing to do so, a grade will not be given.

Rules for payment of school fee​

  • As per orders of Education Department, Haryana , Tuition Fee+ Other Charges have been merged into one single head i.e Monthly Composite Fee.
  • Fee is said to be paid in Bank through Digital Mode only. No cash payment will be accepted by the Accounts Department in the school. Fee details are available on school’s website.
  •  Fee can be paid online through school website also: URL:
  • Fee to be paid before the last date to avoid inconvenience.
  • Fill up Student’s Name , Father’s Name , Admission Number , Class & Section correctly.
  • School Fee can be paid on Quarterly ( April, July, October, and January) / Yearly basis , through DIGITAL MODE .
  • School Fee has to be paid on or before the last date i.e the 10th of fee collection month.
  • School fee can be paid on Monthly basis (Digital Mode ) only after the approval of a written request made by the parents on the condition that fee shall be paid before 10th of every month, otherwise Late Fee Fine of Rs. 30/- per day will be charged.
  • Monthly fee facilities cannot be availed in the FIRST quarter (April to June ‘ 22) and LAST quarter (January to March ‘ 23).
  • School Fee can also be paid through cheque before 7th of every quarter (April, July, October and January). In case of cheque dishonored, Rs. 350/- along with Late Fee Fine @Rs. 30/- per day will be charged, if cheque gets cleared after last date of Fee payment. This facility (payment through cheque) cannot be availed if Fee is paid on monthly basis.
  • A fine of RS.30/- per day will be charged if paid after the last date of fee collection month. Beyond this, it will result in automatic removal of the student’s name from the school rolls and can be resumed through a written application from the parents within the next fifteen days only after paying the re-admission fee of Rs. 5000/-.
  •  School will not send reminders for depositing the school fee.
  •  If there is any outstanding at the close of the year i.e. 31st March, progress Report will be held by the school.
  • Transport Maintenance Charges will be as per the location and will also be paid Quarterly (April, July, September and January) through Digital Mode in the Bank.
  • The Details of the transport Maintenance charges are available on School Website.
  •  Please do not approach the Principal regarding omission of fine / default penalty.
  • For Fee queries or clarification, kindly visit the School Accounts Office in person.
  • No telephonic requests or e-mails will be entertained regarding fee queries and clarification.
  • The school management reserves the right to review the fee structure and Transport Maintenance charges.

Concessions / facility

  • SIBLING CONCESSION: 8 % Sibling Concession can be availed for the youngest child (one child only) for the whole year in the Composite Monthly Fee of the last month of the session i.e March.
  • CONCESSION ON THE FEE PAID COLLECTIVELY: If the Monthly Composite Fee is paid for the whole Academic Session in the beginning of the Session i.e In the April, Fee will be charged for11 ½ months instead of 12 months.
  • STAFF WARD CONCESSION: A Concession of Rs. 5000/- on the admission charges and 8 % per month concession on tuition fee is being offered to the teachers’ wards , in the first quarter fee.
  • ONLY SINGLE GIRL CHILD CONCESSION: For single girl child , a concession of Rs. 5000/- on the admission charges , can be availed.


  • Fee is payable for 12 months in the year and the child leaving the school after March must pay the fee for the month he is applying in.
  • One month notice in writing should be given by the parents before withdrawing their ward from school, failing which the parents will have to pay the fee for the entire month, he is applying in.
  • All dues of the school must be paid & library books returned before applying for a Transfer Certificate.
  • The school reserves the Right to Suspend/Rusticate those students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to others or whose parents/ guardians show little interest in the progress of their ward. Immoral behavior, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to the school property is always a sufficient reason for the immediate dismissal/ suspension

Uniform & conduct

  • There is a Discipline Committee comprising senior students with a teacher in-charge to check the punctuality, uniform and general behavior of the students.
  • Coming Late to school in the morning is against the norms.
  • Each Student must take pride in his/ her uniform.
  • You are expected to be neat and clean in your appearance by wearing a properly-ironed and well-creased school uniform.
  • Shirts must remain tucked in at all times for both Boys and Girls of all classes.
  • Uniform trousers of the boys need to be of Straight cut. No tight fitting/low-waist paints are permissible. Girls’ uniform skirts should be knee length, neither too short nor too long.
  •  It is mandatory for the students to wear all the uniform related accessories viz: neck-tie, belt, Id-card, ribbons/hairband(for girls) etc. . daily in the school at all times. Neck-Tie and Blazer need to be worn properly with all buttons closed.
  • School shoes need to be well-polished daily. Students are not permitted to wear any fancy sport shoes with the uniform. Only prescribed WHITE sport shoes are allowed.
  •  Hair must be neatly groomed. No fashion hair colours or non-conforming hairstyles for boys or girls will be acceptable.
  • Boys are expected to keep very short standard haircut. Girls are expected to make their hair in two plaits using the prescribed colour satin ribbons for long hair and prescribed colour hair-band for short hair. Boys will not be allowed to wear studs / bangles/ kadas / Bands. Girls of classes XI and above can make a single Plait.
  • Fancy ornaments such as watches, wristbands, bracelets etc, are strictly prohibited in the school, except small gold or silver studs/earrings for the girls only. School will not be responsible for the loss of these items.
  • Fancy ornamental hairdos/clips are not allowed.
  • Applying make-up, nail-polish and henna on the palms or hair are strictly prohibited.
  • Nails must be clean and well-trimmed always, of both boys and girls.
  • Mobile Phones/Mp3 Players/Smart Watches are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated immediately.
  • Non-compliance of the above instructions will not be taken lightly. Strict disciplinary action shall be taken against the defaulters.
  • Entry into School without uniform is not allowed even after sch

Cyber conduct

  • Bullying, aggression or violence in any form is gross misconduct for which the school will take strict disciplinary action if required.
  • Cyber-Bullying is strictly prohibited, and participating in such acts will result in disciplinary action.
  • Any student misusing the technology, harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student/staff member/school by the means of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory messages, digital pictures or images, or Web site postings (including blogs), shall be dealt with very stringently.
  • Students will not indulge in inappropriate use of the school computers or networks.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to create any personal ids unnecessarily in the name of the school.
  • Students will not put derogatory or defamatory remarks or messages on the social networking sites of the school or otherwise on their personal front also.
  • Strict action will be taken if it comes to the notice of the school authorities if any of the students is involved in possession and circulation of inappropriate digital content on the Social Media.
  • Anyone who attempts to use bullying, intimidation, or stalking to retaliate against someone who reports an incident, brings a complaint, or participates in an investigation will be in violation of retaliation as described within the School’s Code of Conduct in this Handbook, will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students are supposed to use school-appropriate language and behaviour at all the times while maintaining friendly and courteous behaviour.
  • The best advantage of the opportunities being provided at school, should be adopted.
  • Students should represent themselves in a manner that they will be proud of in 12 years.


Accidents or mishaps can occur anytime. Thus the school should not be held responsible for such incidents. God forbid, in case of any such accidents, the child will be given only the ‘First Aid’ free of cost in the school. If need be the child will also be taken to the nearest doctor/hospital. However, the expenses for the same would have to be borne by the parents. Though the school takes all care to prevent such situations, but at times children get hurt. In such possibilities, the parents are requested to be tolerant and not make it an issue with the school authorities.


The students availing transport facility have to abide by the rules mentioned below. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of the transport facility.
  •  At the time of departure the students should wait patiently and in orderly manner for the buses and board their respective buses as soon as they arrive. Students are expected to maintain discipline in the bus.
  • Use of abusive language or misbehaviour will lead to disciplinary action.
  • The senior students have to ensure that the junior students are given priority in seating.
  • The senior students are expected to ensure that no one damages the seats, window panes etc of the buses.
  • In order to avoid any mishap, the students are requested not to put any body part out of the window while in the bus.
  • Shouting or moving around in the bus is strictly prohibited as it can distract the driver.
  •  They are expected not to throw anything out of the bus or tease any passer by.
  • In case any student wishes to discontinue the school transport, one month notice in writing should be given, failing which you would have to pay the Transport Fee for the entire month in question.

The senior students are strictly not allowed to come to school on scooters/Motor Bikes/Cars.
Only bicyle shall be allowed and the bicycles must be kept locked. Strict action would be taken againest defaulters.

Parental co-operation

School plays a vital role in the shaping of a child’s personality but much of the chiseling is done at home. The school cannot fulfil its objectives unless parents co-operate with us. This Chronicle will establish a valuable liaison between the teachers and parents with regard to the quality and quantity of work being attempted by the students in school and at home. We insist that parents look into their ward’s school dairy everyday and ensure that the assigned home task is being carried out by the student regularly. The child should be encouraged to cultivate neatness in their work. Parents should read with their children, help their children to make judicious use of gadgets, play with them to encourage them to be involved in outdoor sports & be a good listener to their children. Parents should take note of and countersign the remarks made in the diary from time to time by the school authorities.

Parents are advised that any comment made in the diary by them should be confined to the student’s work and conduct. No purpose will be served by critical reference entered in the diary in respect of teaching method; such remarks will only bring the school and the home at variance with each other. However, if a parent has any suggestions to make, the Principal shall be happy to receive them through written communication separately or personally.Criticism of teachers or of the school in the presence of the student be scrupulously avoided because it causes the student to lose respect for his/her teachers. Should a parent have any legitimate complaint, he is advised to see the Principal.

If any parent feels that a student is not making the desired progress, an appointment with the Principal should be sought. Private tuitions are strongly discouraged. No teacher of our school is allowed to tutor any student studying in the school.